Big Updates to your Instant Stores!
FreshStore members have access to 600 pre-built, product filled and ready-to-go stores in high-profit niches.
But… they were a bit short on products. So we restocked them for you!

Over time, the products from Amazon and eBay can go out of stock or be removed entirely.
We hadn’t updated your Instant Stores for a while, and some of them were a bit short on products.
So we have been through and added the finest Amazon and eBay products for your niche. Your new stores will now have a minimum of 100 high-quality products along with the design, content, layout, categories and everything else.
All ready to go!
Here is something pretty cool…
Our team member Nihad just launched a new Playstation 5 store and started making sales within 24 hours:

The best bit? He used an Instant Store and hadn’t made any changes yet!
They are a great way to get started fast and get those initial sales.
Here are some quick tips for what to do after launching your store:
- Check over the store and tweak the content, products, and categories to suit your niche
- Change the colour scheme (use a Skin in the admin area to do this quickly)
- Add your own unique content (articles, category descriptions etc.)
- Add some unique images on the homepage, categories etc.
- After you get some success, add your own unique design (logo, banner etc.)
- Keep working on the store regularly to improve and grow
- Follow our step-by-step training guides for more in-depth tips!
If you are a FreshStore member already, all these changes and updates are already in your account. Just go and create a new store, and choose your niche!